City Church’s commitment to Children and Young People
City Church is passionate about seeing our Children and Young People step into their God–given destiny. We therefore give the highest priority to ensuring, as far as we are able that they are provided with programs, activities and leaders that reflect our desire to safeguard their well-being.

As such City Church actively supports the Australian Christian Churches (ACC) SAFER CHURCHES initiative and has implemented the ACC Safer Churches Policy and Guidelines. These will ensure that City Church is always working towards adopting ‘best practice’ with regard to child protection initiatives and workplace health and safety requirements. The complete ACC Safer Churches Policy is available here.

Australian Christian Churches want each local church to be a safe place for everyone – spiritually, physically and emotionally. To achieve this we agree that at City Church we should:
• Respect each other
• Care for each other’s safety
• Report concerns about abuse and/or misconduct
• Report hazards or concerns about property safety

Our ‘Safer Churches Team’ provides a ready point of contact for anyone wishing to discuss a concern regarding the wellbeing of children or young people who are connected with any of City Church’s activities or programs. To speak to a member of this team, please call 02 4720 6100. All enquiries will be diligently and sensitively responded to.

The Health and safety team exist to identify and address potential safety issues or hazards that can arise during the course of Church activities. If you wish to report a hazard or have a concern relating to site safety, please contact our Health and Safety Team by phoning 02 4720 6100.

The ACC Churches also operates a National Helpline for any person wishing to discuss abuse or misconduct relating to an ACC Church. Please call 1800 070 511.

You can access our Churches Whistle Blower Policy here.

You can access our Churches SAFER CHURCHES Policy here.

You can access our Churches PRIVACY Policy here.